Saturday, November 5, 2011

Chapter 13 - Life Moves On

The day of the triple birthday party dawns with a broken appliance...and, really, the entire Toft family just can't give a damn about it. There's cake.

Glynnis goes first!

She grows into a lovely young adult. She's got her father's body type down to a tee, being so skinny that she barely has a chest to speak of. But she finds that she likes it that way.

Tiara grows into the exciteable little beauty queen that she always knew she would be.

Meanwhile, Athena is destined to fill the hot librarian role when she grows up.

After a tearful (on Tiara and Naomi's part, at least) farewell, Glynnis bids the family adieu. "There is no way in hell I'm doing any more babysitting," she mutters dryly as she heaves her suitcase containing her few belongings over her shoulder and charges toward the elevator. "Call me!"

She becomes a desk jockey at the local police station, being brave enough to lasso down ANY criminal that comes after her, and moves out, though no one's quite sure where to for the longest time.

It takes the twins to decide they should visit their older sister and figure it out for themselves.

"She sounded smug on the phone," Athena says. "Smug. Why do you think she was smug?"

"Ha, like I'd know! Obviously she got super famous at the police department and was able to afford a giant house, HA!"


"How in the WORLD did you end up with a place like this?!"

Glynnis shrugs, face expressionless as always. "Turns out it was the only unoccupied place in town, and the police chief's kind of fond of me, so...they got the Mayor to drop the price for me."

Tiara doesn't believe that for a second. She's still pretty sure that there's some huge conspiracy going on, but she knows that Glynnis would smack her upside the head for even suggesting it and it's happened enough for Tiara to know just how much that hurts.

Tiara reflects that she arrived at the perfect tme to see this house. The view at this time of day is spectacular.

The view of the shuffleboard, that is. The three sisters play together happily.

Athena loses. She loses a lot. All kinds of fun is had regardless, and the three part ways with regret when Rhiannon calls the twins and tells them to come home so they can see their belated birthday presents.

"Mom!" Tiara immediately grabs the paints and devours them with huge eyes. "How did you afford these?!"

Rhiannon chuckles. "Don't you mind that. All that matters is that they're here."

The guitar tucked away to the side is almost forgotten, but when Tiara sees it she almost falls over and has conniptions.

Athena's birthday gifts are a little more understated, but the value of all of the books are equal to the easel and guitar, and Athena is so overcome with happiness that she immediately sits down and begins reading them. Rhiannon has the sinking suspicion that they'll all be read in less than two days.

Naomi, meanwhile, wonders what it must look like to have parents who are married. She doesn't even have a clue about who her father is. With all of that in mind, she decides it's time to start courting potential husbands so she can be SURE to get married!

"Hi! I'm Naomi!"


"You're what?"

"Octavio! It's my name. Don't laugh at me."

Naomi decides it'd be mean to say the only thing she wants to laugh at is his outfit combined with his hair, so she keeps that to herself. "Have you ever thought about marriage?"

Octavio turns pale and horrified. "What?!"

"Not until school is over, silly!"


asdfghjkl Athena and Tiara as teens. I can't get over it. I'm always going to be fond of Glynnis and her little quirks, though.

New traits are Computer Whiz for Glynnis, Lucky for Tiara, and Loner for Athena.

And I officially hate Bridgeport. xD I kicked Glynnis out and she goes to the only unoccupied house, which is that beast over there. Moving my characters will be so wonderful.


  1. When Glynnis moved into that giant house I thought maybe Alan had bought it for her in a moment of weakness (That or he kicked the bucket and left everything to her or something...)

    But yeah. Kicking sims out can be hilarious if they end up in enormous houses.

    The twins = beautiful.

  2. I know how you feel about Bridgeport.
    Glynnis is lovely, even with her father's nose. And the twins of course.
    And Naomi getting a head start on finding a husband is hilarious.

  3. That's...that's actually a really good idea. -shot-

  4. Naomi's little outfit is really cute. =)

    I'm gonna miss Glyn's nose.

  5. I'm going to miss Glynnis! She was so... so... helpful! Great chapter, as always. =)
